Pan-Frying Your Walrus on Medium? Better Turn Up the Heat!

Let’s get this out of the way: I think walruses are super cute. I think pigs are pretty cute too, but I have no qualms about eating bacon.


The CDC has issued a warning about eating under cooked gaming meat.  There have been two outbreaks of trichinosis, caused by a roundworm, in the last year in Alaska. It should be noted that walrus can only be hunted by Alaskan natives for food or utility purposes. One family was diagnosed after eating walrus meat cooked to “medium”, another after eating it raw.

Trichinosis is usually linked with black bear or polar meat. Multiple outbreaks of trichinosis haven’t been associated with walrus meat since 1992. Symptoms may include diarrhea, vomiting, swelling of the face, fever, muscle soreness, and difficulty coordinating movement. It is treatable by prescription drugs.

Cheers to the walrus!

Please Don’t Dress Like “Sexy Ebola” For Halloween

There are plenty of offensive costumes to go around during Halloween. Today’s offender is: Sexy Ebola.  Ebola is a gruesome, terrible disease that wreaked havoc on West Africa and had lasting impacts that are still being dealt with. By all means, dress as Ebola for Halloween. Or dress as a containment team member. Just don’t belittle the disease and call a short dress paired stupidly with a face mask “sexy Ebola.” The price tag is also pretty offensive. Sixty bucks and this thing doesn’t even come with the boots?!



Food is still not safe to eat

Well it’s been exactly 2 years since my last update, and very little has changed.  I could have written the post below this one today!


Salmonella in pre-packaged food continues to be a concern. I’m pretty sure I could google this every week (at least) and a new result would pop up. VERY reassuring.


Two years ago, I mentioned frozen berries had been found to be contaminated with Hepatitis A.  A good explanation of how that could happen is here.  Basically, people who don’t wash their hands or a contaminated water supply can cause these kinds of disasters to occur. On a personal note, I eat frozen berries ALL THE TIME. I like living on the edge though.  Isn’t it exciting to consider for a second the food you are about to eat could have a virus or bacteria lurking and waiting to leech on to your insides?


Finally, (for today at least), and just in time for summer, 13.5 tons of beef have been recalled for possible E. Coli contamination.


Happy summer eating everyone!